Wednesday, 14 December 2011

The costumes used in this extract help to create verisimilitude in the diegesis, they also create a representation of heirarchy (Immagrants being at the bottom). The uniforms that the immigrants wear are very dull and plain, this could suggest loss of identity. The other staff are wearing smart suites. This is a clear use of Binary Oppositions.
A tracking shot is used at the beggining of this extract when we first see the immigration police (Antagonist) and the receptionist. This helps the audience understand that the immigration police are going to disrupt the equilibrium (Todorov). Also the receptionist being in charge of the hotel goes against gender sterotypes.
Foley sound is used thought this extract. An example of this would be the telephone and the footsteps (when immagrants are running to hide). The telephone helps to create verisimilitude in the diegesis. The Immagrants footsteps help to create tention and fear for the immigrants and the audience.
The screen time in this extract mainly focuses on two main characters, the immigration police officer (Antagonist) and Jacki (Protagonist). In a way this is showing that the immagrants are good poeple and they are only trying to hide from bad. Also which is quite significant Adam gets quite a bit of screen time when he saves anothers life. This is also rerflected through the use of CU's; the caucasion staff get a lot of CU where as in binary opposition the immi9grants share their shot with othert immigrants. this changes however when Adam saves the woman and is given his own CU - suggesting to the auidence that he has gained in status.

Section A Notes

Common Errors:
- Notes did not follow the way suggested
- Lack of terminology
- Too long opening paragraph
- Not enough specific examples
- No reference to Binary Oppositions, Todorov's narrative theory
- No balance between Micro Elements

Monday, 12 December 2011

Who is their core buyer? Males aged 18 - 24
Has circulation dropped?
Traffic on website - Website use has declined by 13%

Section B - Notes

Common Errors
- Lack terminology
- Few referenced examples
- Needed to talk about Hardware and Content
- Focus on both Audience and Institution
- Own opinion
- Lack specific examples

- Positives and Negatives
- Advances in technology (can do more)
- Software (Apps)
- Fanzines - negative
- Audience
- How have institutions responded to these constant changing consumer habits?
- Rise in competition due to proliferation of hardware (twitter)
- Production and Distribution
- Globalisation - Impact of this on audience and institution
- Quote - expedentual times (wech)

- Specific Examples
  + Convergence - Evidence
  + Prosumers - UGC - Specific evidence
  + Multi-platform approach
  + Synergy - Specific evidence - driving audiences to main product - vertical intergration.
- Updated Quickly (positive)
- Who is their audience?
- Awards won by institutions for their content
- Institutions in constant race to make their products unique with UPB's - how have MH and NME done this?
- Difference between niche and mass marketing - suport with evidence.


Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Gender Note Taking

technique, example, meaning created.

- Reaction Shots - As the doctor was getting more powerful, the camera would cut to him more. (screen time) Both males get more screen time than the female.
- Position on the set - Suporting the stereotypes (GENDER)
- Flashbacks
- Special Effects - Sci-fi Genre - Creates versimilitude.

In this extract of the tv drama 'Doctor Who' the editing helps the audience relate to the characters. As the Doctor is getting more powerful, the camera focuses on him more; this is a reaction shot. Both male characters, the Protagonist and the Antagonist, have the most screen time, the female character dosn't have much screen time (but when she does she talks about the doctor)

- Foley Sound - Clock ticking - Tention, running out of time, audience understand narrative identify with characters postion.
- dialouge - "i love him" - domanant ideologies of gender representation.

- Costume - Maids/uniforms janitor VS Antagonist + Protagonist - Reresentation of ethnicity.
- Red dressed woman - Male Gaze VS Martha - Objectified, binary oppositions, neither of them are dominant
- Location - Props, staging - Reference to genre, stereotypical - creating Versimilitude

- High Angle - Crowds and the Atagonist - reflects to satalites, arrative + audience
Todorov Narrative Theory
Disequilibrium - The period of instability and insecurity in a films narrative.
Equilibrium - a state of peace and calm, which often exists at the beginning of a films narrative.

Enigma - the question or mystery that is posed within a films narrative.
Iconography - the objects within a film that are used to evoke particular meanings.

The iconography used in this extract such as the weapon reflects the sci-fi genre, creating versimilitude with the diegeses.

Protagonist - Hero (+)
Antagonist - Villan (-)
Diegesis - world wich the characters live in

Screen time - would have more screen time than the Antagonist. Shows Heirachy

Jumpcuts can create disorder

Eyeline match

Pace of editing -

sound creates emotions. Sound also helps identify specific characters (Protagonist)

- Costume
- Body Language
- Props
- Location
- Set Design
- Lighting

Binary Oppositions